Facebook has limited access to the platform for many Russian’s news outlets. Their reasoning is to prevent the spreading of false information and propaganda which harms human rights. The decision was made a day after Russia’s attack on Ukraine. And since then, and I quote: Russia's communications regulator Roskomnadzor accused the network of "censorship" and violating "the rights and freedoms of Russian citizens".
It’s the first time in our history when we have access to such an inclusive communication platform as social media, while a huge conflict is taking place. And with that comes a lot of responsibility to everybody and especially news outlets and journalists. So, I believe Facebook is doing a huge favor to Russia and stopping them from adding more insult to the injury. If Russian politicians blame Facebook for blocking their “truth” they are simply admitting that what they are doing is wrong and unethical.
source: https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-60533083
Seems like Russia finds it a bit difficult now to spread their propaganda. At last!