I’ve read an article about a Polish census and specifically the importance of one particular box- religion. Activists in Poland are emphasizing the significance in making a right choice. The data from previous census is inaccurate and it has been used by politicians (in the rightwing) for many years as an argument in my cases. Those were specifically used against LGBT+ and with pro-choice movement.
I’m not in the position to judge what people should or shouldn’t believe. I guess the main problem appears, when this religion is causing issues and when it’s used against other people. In my opinion, religion should be a personal act and you can’t call yourself a believer when you literally shaming people who are different from you. But I’m honestly not surprised that people still think that our entire country is Roman Catholic. They are making these assumptions mainly based on our traditions-which are mostly Catholic.
You've got a lovely poster / cartoon here - simple and meaningful! Who is the author I wonder?