For people who are tired of big supermarkets and who care about the planet, zero waste grocery stores are ideal. The idea is very simple: store sells food without packaging in an effort to reduce the tool of plastic on the environment. Shopping becomes more personal and more meaningful. You start to value quality of products not look of their package. You bring your own containers and you fill everything up by yourself. Goods are stored in clear self-service bins or dispensers. Shops offer all sorts of staples by weight, from raisins to flour to olive oil to shampoo. There’s not a piece of plastic wrap in sight. And most importantly food is much healthier then food offered by discount shops. Goods are usually organic, bio and they are coming from sustainable brands. It often ends up so much cheaper because you’re not paying for the packaging (advertising + branding that goes with it). This idea spread across the world. Even in Warsaw, here are some examples:
Deko Zakupy (Włodarzewska 30 lok.U8)
Kooperatywa Dobrze (Andersa 27)
If you have your own containers, they should probably be weighed before you start filling them with goods. Have you tried the Warsaw shops you advertise in your post?
ReplyDeleteNo I haven't but I should definitely pay a visit to one of them.